Annnddd.....I did it again! Here we are already well into 2013 and I haven't bothered to share a single post. 2012 ended quietly here at the Long/Henry home.
We spent the last of our cool fall weekends making donuts at our local high school football games. We had a blast trying to keep up with all the hungry customers, and the kids loved that we were all at the games together. When it was all said and done, we were able to donate a large percentage of our donut earnings to the Livingston High School Band, who runs the concession stand at the games and graciously invited us to come.
Taylor joined the local wrestling team. This was his first experience with organized sports. They practice 4 nights a week. Danny has been taking him and I suspect he enjoys it as much as Taylor does :) Taylor likes to play the big tough guy, but it didn't take him long to figure out those guys he was going up against had a bit more experience at wrestling than he did. His first competition, he was pinned in less than 10 seconds. Wait.....what just happened????
By the end of his 3rd competition, he had managed to make it a little harder to get pinned, but he decided that wrestling is just not his thing. We did get to travel the state a little and see some places barely on the map.
Morgan is still on the dance team and will be competing in her first competition this weekend in Nashville. She has danced at the football games, in the Christmas parade and at Homecoming. The girls on the team (including Morgan) suffered illness and injuries throughout the end of 2012, so hopefully this will be a fresh start for them in the competition category.
Baily is waiting patiently for tennis season to start, which will be soon. I'm not sure if she is excited about practices after school in the cold, but we are all hoping for an early, early spring! The tennis team was also able to use our little donut machine for a fundraiser in the fall and raised over $1,000 to help with expenses.
New Years Eve this year was spent with the Thomas family, our yearly tradition. Logan spent the night and we quietly rang in the new year with food, family, friends and a little Words With Friends. Heather brought some fireworks and even though it was sprinkling outside, her and Justin were able to light a few off at midnight.
I'm not very good at new years resolutions, but if I were, keeping up this blog would be on the list. I guess it's a good thing I don't make lists, because I'm already off to a rough start!